
Click tracking tools 101

Click tracking tools 101 Both Rand and Egol have recently discussed about MyBlogLog, and I am about to joing the group. I admit that MyBlogLog is nice tool, but for professional marketing specialist there are loads of similar, or even more advanced tools available. After all, click tracking is something large eCommerce sites have used from the day one. Most advanced log analysis tools like Urchin have several inbuilt or add-on features for click path analysis.

Below are some standalone tools and building blocks I find worth trying:

  • ClickTracks is one amazing out-of-the-package tool for click track analysis.
  • Do-it-yourself people will love phpOpenTracker combined with GraphViz – you can get some amazingly nice stats when you combine these two.
  • If you prefer to build a totally homemade solution, then you might want to try Apache mod_tracking – a personal favourite of mine.

The common nominator for all click tracking tools is that they provide a change to view detailed demographics about user behaviour and usability within a site. Something many web site owners, developers and marketing should focus – after all, getting traffic is the easy part. Making them stay and buy on site is the hard one.

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